- The Health Systems Task Force is a public-private strategic partnership brings together CEOs and leaders from AstraZeneca, GSK, Merck KGaA, Novo Nordisk, Reckitt, Roche, Samsung Biologics, Sanofi, Bupa, Novartis, National Health Service England, the Sustainable Healthcare Coalition, UNICEF, the University of Pavia, and the World Health Organization (WHO). https://www.sustainable-markets.org/taskforces/health-systems-taskforce/
- Jane Fonda tells her story: You Can’t Have Healthy People On a Sick Planet https://time.com/6554076/jane-fonda-cancer-climate-change/
- -New NIH/NSF Partnership Bolsters Rapid Funding to Researchers Addressing Climate-Related Disasters. Read more about applying for Quick Response Research Awards.
- First Five Exploratory Climate Change and Health Centers Funded — Th e NIH has awarded the first five awards to build the research capabilities of transdisciplinary teams that will be able to study the impacts of climate change on health. Read more about these Exploratory Grants for Climate Change and Health Research Center Development.
- Research Coordinating Center Awarded — The NIH Climate Change and Health Initiative has awarded a three-year grant to Boston University School of Public Health and Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health to serve as the Research Coordinating Center for this NIH-wide effort to reduce the health impacts of climate change. Read more. Alliance for Community Engagement – Climate and Health Awards
- The NIH Climate Change and Health Initiative has provided funding to establish four sites as part of the Alliance for Community Engagement on Climate and Health (ACE-CH). Read more.
- Excellent resource re/ using the IRA to reduce the climate impact of health care institutions: The Office of Climate Change and Health Equity (OCCHE) Quickfinder for Leveraging the Inflation Reduction Act for the Health Sector is meant to help health stakeholders take advantage of the opportunities for resilience and emissions reduction in this historic legislation. It includes an overview of investments and actions potentially facilitated by the IRA, and relevant IRA programs for the health sector, including tax Incentives and direct pay provisions, and grants and incentives for lowering emissions, and grants and incentives for climate resilience
- HHS Launches Climate and Health Outlook Portal to Identify Counties at Risk of Climate-Related Hazards. New tool provides interactive maps to protect public health by identifying U.S. counties forecast to experience climate-related health hazards each month. HHS Portal to identify countries at risk https://nj.gov/governor/news/news/562023/approved/20231121a.shtml