Organized alphabetically by authors' last names:
- Briggs S: Building climate resilient and low carbon health systems. BMJ 383:2856, 2023
- Briggs S, Cavet J, Lamb C, et al: Cancer and climate change: the environmental impact of cancer care. Lancet Oncol 2021;22(2):e38, 2021
- Chuter R, Stanford-Edwards C, Cummings J, et al: Towards estimating the carbon footprint of external beam radiotherapy. Physica Medica 112:102652, 2023Harm HCW: Health Care’s Climate Footprint: How the Health Sector Contributes to the Global Climate Crisis and Opportunities for Action, 2019
- European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO). Reinventing ESMO after the COVID-19 pandemic: moving towards a sustainable academic society. ESMO Open. 2024;9(5):1-3. doi:10.1016/j.esmoop.2024.102531, 2024
- Harm HCW: A navigational tool for achieving zero emissions with climate resilience and health equity; green paper Number Two, Climate-Smart Health Care Series, 2021
- Harm HCW: Global Road Map for Health Care Decarbonization: A navigational tool for achieving zero emissions with climate resilience and health equity, Climate-Smart Health Care Series, 2021
- Kaas J, Verbeek M, Wan Lung Li W, et al. Climate impact of early-stage NSCLC treatment: A comparison between radiotherapy and surgery using Life Cycle Assessment. Radiother Oncol. October 2024. doi:10.1016/j.radonc.2024.110601
- Kamboj, J. How you Can Begin Fixing the Effects of Climate Change. Oncology Times, NOvember, 2020
- Leddin D, Galts C, McRobert E, et al: The Carbon Cost of Travel to a Medical Conference: Modelling the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association of Gastroenterology. J Can Assoc Gastroenterol 5:52-58, 2022
- Leddin D, Omary MB, Metz G, et al: Climate change: a survey of global gastroenterology society leadership. Gut, 2022
- Lichter KE, Weinstein HNW, Husain M, et al: National Cancer Institute Centers With Environmental Sustainability Plans for Climate Change. JAMA Netw Open. 6:e2317206. , 2023
- Lichter KE, Bloom JR, Sheu R-D, et al: Tracking and Reducing SF6 Usage in Radiation Oncology: A Step Towards Net-Zero Health Care Emissions. Practical Radiation Oncology, 2023
- Lichter KE, Sabbagh A, Demeulenaere S, et al. Reducing the environmental impact of health care conferences: A study of emissions and practical solutions. JCO Glob Oncol. 2024;10:e2300209. doi:10.1200/GO.23.00209, 2024
- Medicine NAo: Action Collaborative on Decarbonizing the US Health Care Sector, in NAM Grand Challenge on Climate Change HHaE (ed), 2023
- Meyer M: US Healthcare Sector Can Decarbonize, Reduce Waste, And Improve Public Health With Thoughtful Regulation. Health Affairs Forefront, 2023
- Rabin AS, Pinsky EG: Reducing Health Care's Climate Impact - Mission Critical or Extra Credit? N Engl J Med 389:583-585, 2023 1.
- Romanello M, Napoli CD, Green C, et al: The 2023 report of the Lancet Countdown on health and climate change: the imperative for a health-centred response in a world facing irreversible harms. Lancet, 2023
- Sarfaty, M. “How Physicians Should Respond to Climate Change," Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine., 2024
- US Department of Health and Human Services: Health sector commitments to emissions reduction and resilience. . Updated April 28, 2023. , 2023
- Yates EF, Bowder AN, Roa L, et al: Empowering Surgeons, Anesthesiologists, and Obstetricians to Incorporate Environmental Sustainability in the Operating Room. Ann Surg 273:1108-1114, 2021