Organized alphabetically by authors' last names:
- Aguilera R, Corringham T, Gershunov A, et al: Wildfire smoke impacts respiratory health more than fine particles from other sources: observational evidence from Southern California. Nature Communications 12:1493, 2021
- Arrieta O, Campos-Parra AD, et al. Clinical and pathological characteristics, outcome and mutational profiles regarding non-small-cell lung cancer related to wood-smoke exposure. 2012. Journal of Thoracic Oncology. 7:1228-34.
- Delgado J, Martinez LM, Sánchez TT, Ramirez A, Iturria C, González-Avila G Lung cancer pathogenesis associated with wood smoke exposure. 2005. . Chest.128:124–31.
- Faded RP, Solomon G, Balmes JR. Wildfires and Human Health. JAMA Insights: Climate Change and Health. JAMA. 2024;332(12):1011-1012. doi:10.1001/jama.2024.13600
- Harris E: Wildfire Exposure Linked to Changes in Cognition and Brain Activity. JAMA 329:457-457, 2023
- Ho V: West coast cities face the world's worst air quality as wildfires rage, The Guardian, 2020
- IARC: Occupational exposure as a firefighter, IARC Monogr Identif Carcinog Hazards Hum. Lyons, France, June 7-14, 2022
- Korsiak J, Pinault L, Christidis T, et al: Long-term exposure to wildfires and cancer incidence in Canada: a population-based observational cohort study. Lancet Planet Health 6:e400-e409, 2022
- Lichter KE, Larson BK, Mohamad O, et al: Impact of declared wildfire disasters on survival of lung cancer patients undergoing radiation treatment. JCO Oncology Practice 19:302-302, 2023
- McCormick E: What is California’s wildfire smoke doing to our health? Scientists paint a bleak picture, The Guardian, 202
- Mehta SS, Hodgson ME, L et al. .Indoor wood-burning from stoves and fireplaces and incident lung cancer among Sister Study participants. 2023. Environment International. 178:108128.
- O'Dell K, Bilsback K, Ford B, et al: Estimated Mortality and Morbidity Attributable to Smoke Plumes in the United States: Not Just a Western US Problem. Geohealth 5:e2021GH000457, 2021
- Sarigiannis D, Karakitsios S, Zikopoulos D, Nikolaki S, Kermenidou M. Lung cancer risk from PAHs emitted from biomass combustion. 2015; Environmental Research. 137:147–156.
- Yao J, Brauer M, Wei J, et al: Sub-Daily Exposure to Fine Particulate Matter and Ambulance Dispatches during Wildfire Seasons: A Case-Crossover Study in British Columbia, Canada. Environmental Health Perspectives 128:067006, 2020
- Zhang D, Xi Y, Boffa DJ, et al Nogueira LM: Association of Wildfire Exposure While Recovering From Lung Cancer Surgery With Overall Survival. JAMA Oncology, doi:10.1001/jamaoncol.2023.2144 Published online July 27, 2023