Manuscripts/papers/abstracts/publications/op-eds, etc
- Ashad-Bishop KC, Yabroff KR, Nogueira L. Cancer control co-benefits of the climate-related provisions in the American Inflation Reduction Act. J Natl Cancer Inst. 2024;116(8):1206-1209. doi:10.1093/jnci/djae101
- Berg CD: Addressing oncology's contribution to climate change. Lancet Oncol 25:690-691, 2024
- Briggs SEW: Reducing the environmental impact of immunotherapy treatment. Lancet Oncol 25:691-693, 2024
- De Guzman R: Lung cancer in Asia: the impact of climate change. eClinicalMedicine, 2024
- George PE, Zhao J, Liang D, Nogueira LM. Ambient air pollution and survival in childhood cancer: A nationwide survival analysis. Cancer. 2024;130(22):3870-3878. doi:10.1002/cncr.35484
- Hantel A, Cernik C, Walsh TP, Uno H, Larios D, Slutzman J, Abel GA. Assessing the Environmental and Downstream Human Health Impacts of Decentralizing Cancer Care. JAMA Oncol. 2024 Jun 3:e242744. PMID: 38829310; PMCID: PMC11148788.
- Hantel, A., Senay, E., Richie, C. et al. A focus group study of ethical issues during climate-informed health decision-making. Nat. Clim. Chang. 14, 1040–1046 (2024).
- Hantel A, Senay E, Richie C, Revette A, Nava-Coulter B, Hlubocky F, Walsh TP, Siegler M, Abel GA. A Focus Group Study of Ethical Issues During Climate-Informed Health Decision-Making. Nat Clim Chang. 2024. In Press.
- Hantel A, Marron JM, Abel GA. Establishing and Defining an Approach to Climate Conscious Clinical Medical Ethics. Am J Bioeth. 2024 Apr 18:1-14. PMID: 38635462.
- Lichter KE, Charbonneau K, Lewy JR, et al: Quantification of the environmental impact of radiotherapy and associated secondary human health effects: a multi-institutional retrospective analysis and simulation. Lancet Oncol 25:790-801, 2024
- Lichter KE, Baniel CC, Do I, et al: Effects of Wildfire Events on California Radiation Oncology Clinics and Patients. Adv Radiat Oncol 9:101395, 2024
- Lichter KE, Sabbagh A, Demeulenaere S, et al: Reducing the Environmental Impact of Health Care Conferences: A Study of Emissions and Practical Solutions. JCO Glob Oncol 10:e2300209, 2024
- Lichter KE, Charbonneau K, Lewy JR, et al. Quantification of the environmental impact of radiotherapy and associated secondary human health effects: a multi-institutional retrospective analysis and simulation. Lancet Oncol.2024;25(6):791-795.
- Nogueira LM, Ross AJ, D'Angelo H, Neta G. Climate Change in Comprehensive Cancer Control Plans in the US. JAMA Oncol. 2024;10(7):977-979. doi:10.1001/jamaoncol.2024.1294
- Nogueira L. How climate change disrupts cancer services and threatens progress. Union for International Cancer Control. November 11, 2024. URL:
- Nogueira LM, Florez N. The Impact of Climate Change on Global Oncology. Hematol Oncol Clin North Am. 2024 Feb;38(1):105-121
- Ortiz AP, Hospedales CJ, Méndez-Lázaro PA, Hamilton WM, Rolle LD, Shepherd JM, Espinel Z, Gay HA, Nogueira LM, Shultz JM. Protecting Caribbean patients diagnosed with cancer from compounding disasters. Lancet Oncol.2024;25(5):e217-e224. doi:10.1016/S1470-2045(24)00071-8.
- Shultz JM, Galea S, Espinel Z, Nori-Sarma A, Shapiro LT, Dimentstein K, Shepherd JM, Nogueira LM. Safeguarding medically high-risk patients from compounding disasters. Lancet Reg Health Am. 2024;14:100714. doi:10.1016/j.lana.2024.100714.
- Taylor AP. Cancer and hurricanes: effects and what patients can do. HealthCentral. October 17, 2024. Updated October 21, 2024. Interview with Dr. Nogueira LM. Available from:
- Thomas S, Hibbs SP, Hantel A. Environmental impact of haematology care—measurement and mitigation. Lancet Haematol. 2024 Sep;11(9):e644-e645. doi: 10.1016/S2352-3026(24)00255-2. PMID: 39181615.
- Walker C. Climate change and cancer care. Cancer Today. March 21, 2024. Interview with Dr. Nogueira LM. Available from:
- Berg CD, Schiller JH, Boffetta P, et al: Air Pollution and Lung Cancer: A Review by International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer Early Detection and Screening Committee. J Thorac Oncol 18:1277-1289, 2023
- Briggs S, O’Reilly S, Weadick C, et al: Climate Change: The problems and potential solutions in oncology. Cancer Control, December 2023;
- Chen, Averbuch S. Op-ed: N.J. health systems pledge to reduce emissions by 50% by 2030 — but we must do more. roi-nj; January 23, 2023
- Espinel Z, Shultz JM, Aubry VP, Abraham OM, Fan Q, Crane TE, Sahar L, Nogueira LM. Protecting vulnerable patient populations from climate hazards: the role of the nation's cancer centers. J Natl Cancer Inst. 2023 Nov 8;115(11):1252-1261
- Hassan AM, Nogueira L, Lin Y, et al: Impact of Heatwaves on Cancer Care Delivery: Potential Mechanisms, Health Equity Concerns, and Adaptation Strategies. Journal of Clinical Oncology 0:JCO.22.01951, 2023
- Hill W, Lim EL, Weeden CE, ... Berg C.. et al: Lung adenocarcinoma promotion by air pollutants. Nature 616:159-167, 2023
- Junck L, Malow BA: Climate Change and Air Pollution: Neurologists Should Educate Themselves and Get Involved. Neurology 100:454-455, 2023
- Kuczmarski, T. Op-ED: Our health depends on a new approach to wildfire smoke messaging | Op-Ed A public health campaign aimed at education is imperative.Seattle Times, April 21, 2023
- Lichter KE, Bloom JR, Sheu R-D, et al: Tracking and Reducing SF6 Usage in Radiation Oncology: A Step Towards Net-Zero Health Care Emissions. Practical Radiation Oncology, 2023
- Lichter KE, Weinstein HNW, Husain M, et al: National Cancer Institute Centers With Environmental Sustainability Plans for Climate Change. JAMA Netw Open. 6:e2317206. , 2023
- Nogueira LM, Sherman JD, Shultz JM. Derailing Carcinogens-Oncologists and the Ohio Train Derailment. JAMA Oncol. 2023 Nov 2. doi: 10.1001/jamaoncol.2023.4817
- Nogueira LM. The climate and nature crisis: implications for cancer control. J Natl Cancer Inst. 2023 Nov 23:djad221
- Nogueira LM, Yabroff KR. Climate change and cancer: the Environmental Justice perspective. J Natl Cancer Inst. 2023 Oct 10:djad185
- Nogueira LM, Crane TE, Ortiz AP, D'Angelo H, Neta G. Climate Change and Cancer. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2023 Jul 5;32(7):869-875
- Schiller, JH. Methane and Gas Stoves, C-change Conversation blog, 2/2023
- Schiller JH: Climate Change: How Will it Impact Cancer Care Delivery?,, 2023
- Schiller J, Goldberg R: Oncologists can mitigate harm from climate change; Here is how. Cancer Letter 49, 2023
- Zhang D, Xi Y, Boffa DJ, Liu Y, Nogueira LM. Association of Wildfire Exposure While Recovering From Lung Cancer Surgery With Overall Survival. JAMA Oncol. 2023 Sep 1;9(9):1214-1220
- Lichter K, Demeulenaere S, Drew T, Bagshae HP. Transitioning to virtual conferences: the impact on travel related carbon emissions. ACRO Radiation Oncology Summit, 3/9-3/12/2022
- Maniar A, Lichter K. Sustainability plans amongst NCI designated cancer centers; abstract submitted to ASCO Meeting, 2022
- Lichter KE et al Environmental Outcomes Associated With Transition From In-Person to a Virtual Oncology Conference During the COVID-19 Pandemic JAMA Oncology Published online June 23, 2022
- Lichter KE et al Transitioning to Environmentally Sustainable, Climate-Smart Radiation Oncology Care International Journal of Radiation Oncology*Biology*Physics; Volume 113, Issue 5, 1 August 2022, Pages 915-924
- Lichter, KE et al. Environmentally sustainable brachytherapy care Brachytherapy, 2022
- Schiller JH. Global Warming, COVID-19, and Lung Cancer: Why Lung Cancer Doctors Should Care About Climate Change. IASLC Lung Cancer News; Sept 29, 2020
- Berg C, Schiller J Global variability in lung cancer deaths attributable to air pollution. Proceedings, International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer World Lung Cancer Conference, 2021
- Kamboj, J. How you Can Begin Fixing the Effects of Climate Change. Oncology Times, November, 2022
- Junck L, Malow BA. Climate Change and Air Pollution: Neurologists Should Educate Themselves and Get Involved. Neurology Publish Ahead of Print DOI: 10.1212/WNL.0000000000206754
- Dickman E, Backler C, Berg CD, Komandy M, Schiller JH. Climate Change and Oncology Nursing: Call to Action. Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing; ONS, 2022 26:1-5
- Schiller JH, Averbuch SD, Berg C. Why Oncologists Should Care About Climate Change. JCO Oncology Practice VDOI https://doi. org/10.1200/OP.20. 00609 PMID: 32915709
- Moini, M 7/12/22: co-authored health professionals call for Fossil Fuel non-Proliferation Treaty-
- Goldberg, R: 11/3/2022: Letter to the editor of the Morgantown Dominion Post
- Myers R, Brauer M, Dummer T, et al. High-ambient air pollution exposure among never smokers versus ever smokers with lung cancer. J Thorac Oncol. 2021;16(11):1850-1858. doi:10.1016/j.jtho.2021.06.015.
- S Averbuch, B Lestini; J Schiller, CD Berg, 12/24/2020: We must tackle climate change like we tackle cancer. Capping emissions is a start |
- CD Berg, J Schiller, B Lestini; S Averbuch 12/16/2020: Capital Gazette: Tackle climate change like we tackle cancer;
- J Schiller, CD Berg, B Lestini; S Averbuch 12/18/2020: Richmond Times Dispatch; Tackle climate change like we tackle cancer;
- Nogueira LM, Sahar L, Efstathiou JA, et al: Association Between Declared Hurricane Disasters and Survival of Patients With Lung Cancer Undergoing Radiation Treatment. Jama 322:269-271, 2019